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Many party line yet About Security Euro


Many Parties Not Consistent Security Regarding the European Cup reviewed by joker on . This Is Article AboutBanyak Parties Not Consistent About Security Euro Football News - Aggression terrorists in Belgium soccer against the impact varies. Belgium National Team training cancellation and the cancellation of a friendly match between the Belgium National Team and National Team Portugal was likely to hold a closed match at Euro 2016 which will be held in France. Of this amount, a number of parties who are directly involved still has not kept pace. during the month of November 2015, […]

Banyak Pihak Belum Sejalan Mengenai Keamanan Piala Eropa

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Banyak Pihak Belum Sejalan Mengenai Keamanan Piala Eropa

terrorist aggression against the impact of football in Belgium vary. Belgium National Team training cancellation and the cancellation of a friendly match between the Belgium National Team and National Team Portugal was likely to hold a closed match at Euro 2016 which will be held in France. Of this amount, a number of parties who are directly involved are still not in line.

during the month of November 2015, a match between the National Team Team Belgium and a Spanish national who is scheduled to be held in Brussels were canceled because of security issues after the aggression of terrorists in the French capital , Paris. Belgian Football Association took the decision to cancel the match against Spain at the instigation of the Belgian Ministry of Interior. Suggested issued for several suspects in Paris Aggression Belgian nationality. Although the decision was taken for security reasons, Vicente Del Bosque (Spain head instructor of the National Team) still wants the match.

time of the end, however, Del Bosque received the decision that was taken. "We want Hayati this match," Del Bosque words per Mayor before the Spanish National Team return from Belgium in because of the cancellation of the match. "But this is a security issue. all the players are calm, they want to play, but for now more Genjah we return to Madrid, the better. "

The same thing happened again this time, after the match between the Belgium National Team and National Team Portugal canceled. Marc Wilmots, Belgium National Team head instructor, wanted to keep the match took place in Brussels when the March 29 and not canceled or moved. The threat level in Belgium is located at the highest point, level four. when finally, the game was held in Leiria, Portugal.

"Given the dramatic events that occurred yesterday, at times difficult to manage mass events safely at level four threat at the national level, the game against Portugal would not take place in Brussels next Tuesday, "the words of the Belgian Football Association in a statement. "This decision was taken today in coordination with the authorities and the Portuguese Football Federation (FPF)."

"The board of directors of the Football Association of Belgium has, under an agreement with the instructor's national team and his staff, decided to accept the offer of The Portuguese Football Federation to play this match in Leiria, in the same day when the same time. "

after the aggression in Brussels, Giancarlo Abete as Vice President of the UEFA Executive Committee said that a European Cup match in 2016 may take place behind closed doors. Interestingly, a statement denied by UEFA itself Abete (per Mayor ). The solution to the threat of the match by UEFA is not closed, but melonjakkan security: "We believe that all the security measures that will go according to plan for a safe and festive Euro and by in because it had no plans to play a closed game. but we also draw up contingency plans and scenarios regarding the critical situation considering we consider the safety of all participants as something very serious. "

Chris Coleman (Wales National Team head instructor) agreed with UEFA. "This is good news in my opinion," he said as reported by Mayor . "We welcome the tournament to run normally. We're there, check out the stadium, a place to change, and the hotel where we stayed. Even in the stadium was full, we could not wait to feel the atmosphere of the European Cup and was very excited. Imagine a full stadium and playing in the atmosphere as it is good news for me. "For the record, Wales have never qualified for the European Cup.

In contrast to Coleman, Martin O'Neill agreed that if the European Cup running game shut down," if there is aggression as yesterday, it is very difficult to handle, "Speech Instructor Republic of Ireland National team head. "But the way to all the security given to us was very nice and like everyone else, I will follow existing regulations. There is talk about the possibility of a part of the game is closed, but the safety of people is a very important and whatever the decision, we will follow existing regulations. And if it is the only alternative, and if we want to remain champions there, we might have to follow the rules that exist. "

Furthermore, O'Neill said that if that decision is taken, there should be an adjustment in the planning," if security is tightened, and the possibility is there, then maybe all of the players have spent more and more time in the hotel. We did not want to see all the support, but when the same time we have to think about security. "

Many Parties Not Consistent About Security Euro
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