I am ready to do a bollywood films: Baahubali Tollywood Hero Prabhas - fans karbitan -->

I am ready to do a bollywood films: Baahubali Tollywood Hero Prabhas

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Baahubali   Lead Actor is one of the most popular actors from the Tollywood film industry in India, largely due to the blockbuster Baahubali (2015). But Prabhas, who has been acting for 14 years, is in no hurry to do Hindi films, unlike many of his peers.

Prabhas says “I’ve got a few good (bollywood films) offers, but I have  two movies in the pipeline that are my home productions. After completing those, if I get good scripts, I would love to do a Hindi film and work in Bollywood,” , He is also celebrates his 37th birthday today on Hyderabad.

Prabhas also says As a kid, I’d get excited about gifts and cakes, but now it’s just another day,there aren’t any special plans. I like spending time with my family and friends on my birthday, as he rarely has time for them due to his busy  work schedule.

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