Messi Perfect Footballers, Ronaldo ? Like The Devil - fans karbitan -->

Messi Perfect Footballers, Ronaldo ? Like The Devil

Rivalry Lionel Messi and Cristiano Ronaldo are always color the world of football in recent years. Achievement achievements and highlights performance of both difficult to surpass any current footballer.

Competition both culminating moment Ronaldo decides to join Real Madrid in the 2009/2010 season. At that time, both Ronaldo and Messi are both competing for the title of top scorers and helped his team won the La Liga trophy.

However, the new CR7 able to grab his first title in Spain in 2010. He successfully contributed Copa del Rey for the Los Blancos.

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In the 2013/2014 season, the former Manchester United star Boy defeated Argentina in the race for individual titles. Ronaldo managed to get the Ballon d'Or. Even the 2014/2015 season, he again got the same title, beating Messi in second place.

Achievement achievements of Ronaldo and Messi certainly received a good reception from some lovers of football and soccer figures. Then, how the figure both in the eyes of the religious leaders?

A religious leader Argentine, Sister Lucia sea salt, revealing Messi is the manifestation of perfection. It is inversely proportional to its view CR7.

"For me, the existence of God can be seen from the beauty of creation and when I saw Messi play, I feel the beauty of it," he said as quoted by Metro.

"I did not say Messi is God, but he is a reflection of God's perfection."

Lucia added, "Does Messi angel and Ronaldo devil? Messi is a great player, but he is also a good person, he was friendly. Ronaldo is a great player, but he was very arrogant and unfriendly. He is not my enemy, but if they see no sense in harmony . "

Rivalry Lionel Messi and Cristiano Ronaldo are always color the world of football in recent years. Achievement achievements and highlights performance of both difficult to surpass any current footballer.

Competition both culminating moment Ronaldo decides to join Real Madrid in the 2009/2010 season. At that time, both Ronaldo and Messi are both competing for the title of top scorers and helped his team won the La Liga trophy.

However, the new CR7 able to grab his first title in Spain in 2010. He successfully contributed Copa del Rey for the Los Blancos.

In the 2013/2014 season, the former Manchester United star Boy defeated Argentina in the race for individual titles. Ronaldo managed to get the Ballon d'Or. Even the 2014/2015 season, he again got the same title, beating Messi in second place.
Devil Vs Perfect Footballer | Fans Karbitan

Achievement achievements of Ronaldo and Messi certainly received a good reception from some lovers of football and soccer figures. Then, how the figure both in the eyes of the religious leaders?

A religious leader Argentine, Sister Lucia sea salt, revealing Messi is the manifestation of perfection. It is inversely proportional to its view CR7.

"For me, the existence of God can be seen from the beauty of creation and when I saw Messi play, I feel the beauty of it," he said as quoted by Metro.

"I did not say Messi is God, but he is a reflection of God's perfection."

Lucia added, "Does Messi angel and Ronaldo devil? Messi is a great player, but he is also a good person, he was friendly. Ronaldo is a great player, but he was very arrogant and unfriendly. He is not my enemy, but if they see no sense in harmony . "

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